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01299 824 333


Using Vacuum Lifters in Winter weather

Now that the winter weather is setting in, using Vacuum Lifting equipment will be more dangerous. This doesn’t mean that you should not use your equipment in winter, it simply means that you should take extra care whilst lifting.

View our handy PDF below for advice on how to look after your lifter in Winter –

It’s a Little Breezy Outside

Wind isn’t only associated with winter months, however when combined with the cold and damp conditions of winter, it can become dangerous when lifting your materials. Glass panels is the most popular material to lift with a Vacuum suction machine. The product can quickly and easily be installed without any problems. However, when the weather gets windy, the glass units can get caught in the gale, making the installation very hard to manage. You should not use any Vacuum Lifting equipment in wind speeds above 18mph, as this puts both your employees and your products at risk of damage and injury. To avoid such problems, ensure you evaluate conditions carefully before you start working.

Can You Feel That Chill?

Lifting materials with a Vacuum Lifter in Winter puts your equipment at risk of the relentless British cold. Generally, Vacuum Lifting equipment can be used in temperatures between 0°C-40°C. This range is great for the overall British weather, however during the winter we can sometimes see temperatures plunging below freezing. When this happens, water droplets trapped in the vacuum filter can freeze, causing a blockage in the vacuum airflow. This may be why your machine is struggling to get adequate suction on your panels. If the vacuum seal breaks due to internal freezing, you may find that you’re putting your employees and your products at risk of injury and damage should the suction slip and drop its load.

Lifting in the Rain?

If you want to use your vacuum lifting equipment in the rain, think again. For adequate suction on anything, your equipment and your product both need to be clear of dirt and moisture. The last thing you want is for an expensive piece of glass paneling suspended above your head to slip and fall due to wet weather!

Problem Prevention and Safety

During the winter months, you must keep your vacuum lifting equipment in an indoor storage facility where it will stay warm and dry. To be safe, always have your vacuum lifting equipment regularly inspected and serviced.

Personal Safety

It  is vital that you never leave lifted loads unattended. Be sure that everyone involved in the lifting process understands the operating instructions for the vacuum lifting equipment. For more advice on the safe operation of vacuum lifting equipment, don’t hesitate to contact us.

View our handy PDF below for advice on how to look after your lifter in Winter –


Does your machine need to be serviced or tested?

At Vacuum and Crane, we offer a Loler testing and certification service for your machines if they are out of test or need repairing. All our lifting equipment adheres to regulations and they are regularly checked to ensure they are meeting our exacting standards.

Location Unit 7, Wilden Industrial Estate Stourport -On – Severn Worcestershire DY13 9JY United Kingdom Tel: +44(0) 1299 824333 Fax: +44(0) 1299 382 200 info@vacuumandcrane.co.uk

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