01299 824 333


01299 824 333


Central Birmingham glass installation for the team this weekend

Central Birmingham glass installation

Our team undertook a challenging job on Sunday in central Birmingham changing glass out of an old bank, making way for new offices. It was in a sensitive area due to the imminent start of the Christmas market, meaning Sunday was the last date available until 2023.

– Pedestrian management by 3rd party was employed as the only crane rigging area available was footpath and parking bays.
– Parking bays were suspended with highways permits obtained.
– Highways permit for footpath closure obtained.
– Highways specified a max weight of 4te for the crane on footpath.
– 6am start to minimise impact on local businesses.

Glass panels of various sizes and shapes were lifted into the building and into frames as it was internally glazed. Large panels in the photos were 280kg.

Our Maeda MC305 with 850kg searcher hook and MRT 4 vacuum lifter were specified by our senior Appointed Person.


Location Unit 7, Wilden Industrial Estate Stourport -On – Severn Worcestershire DY13 9JY United Kingdom Tel: +44(0) 1299 824333 Fax: +44(0) 1299 382 200 info@vacuumandcrane.co.uk

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